So, there are a lot of theories going around about who' going to die next and whether anyone from team RWBY is in danger of dying 'or something'.
And specifically, a theory that says the whole of team JNPR was made to die. I'm not sure I like that idea but Pyrrha, everyone's hopes for everything died, so did super robot Penny.
I still honestly go with 'Penny was the innocence of the RWBY universe and her death meant that RWBY was no longer going to be that happy go lucky series anymore'
Before I get onto why Ren's next, let's look at the things that have finally been explained to us - in terms of semblences.
Yang's semblance (called 'second wind' in the game) allows her to dish out twice the damage she's been dealt onto her opponent or... more accurately "Your semblence is basically a temper tantrum Yang".

Qrow. My semblance 'is bad luck'. The hell kind of semblance is that you might ask, but if you do look around in any scenes where Qrow is, something or the other happens to those who interact with him - bad things such as getting a hit that could have been avoided, being careless, accidentally dropping a glass (hats off to whoever got this reference).
Qrow's semblance seems to pass off misfortune onto someone else or rather if Yang can return her opponents hits twice as hard, Qrow can 'return the favor twofold without having done anything'.
Having said that however, what does this have to do with Ren?
Maybe I'm reading too much into things... but. Pyrrha died after we found out about her hopes and dreams and in a sense 'who she was and what drove her as a human being'. It was almost immediately after this, that she died.
Ren's next. IF and this is a big IF and maybe even reading waaaaaaaaaaay too much into things, Ren's past has been revealed. We now know who Ren was in the past and maybe we'll learn a little bit more before we kind of 'feel' for Ren. And then he'll die. And by a 'little more' I mean his semblance.
Currently, that is, as of season 4 episode 10, we finally learn where Ren lived and why he and Nora know each other so well as well as why Nora is so attached to Ren. I honestly think someone hates couples here cause in episode 10 there were a lot of hints of their 'dependance' on one another. But I still think it'll be Ren first.
What does this have to do with Qrow? Remember Qrow was following RNJR? Remember Qrow was having a few drinks? I have a bad feeling that Qrow was the cause of the downfall of that poor little town. The reason I say that is because he's currently about to die. If his semblance is bad luck and at the moment it isn't applying to Ruby or Jaune... then it has to manifest itself onto "SOMETHING"
I think Ren will be the eventual target and with Ren's death, Qrow will probably return to the living. Somehow. But like I said, i feel like the theory stretches too far. Now, I have another theory as to why Qrow's bad luck hasn't affected Ruby and Jaune in all the instances 'yet'.
What if Jaune's semblance had to do with 'protection' or shielding or something. In which case, even if Qrow's semblance tried to act on them, maybe it couldn't and so the target's became all those who were last in contact with Qrow and outside Jaune's influence.
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