
Friday, 7 August 2015

Review: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (anime)

Another mainstream anime, but this one i guarantee you is a must watch - ONLY if you enjoy alchemy. Also, it's a war anime - so stay away if you don't like blood and gore... mostly lots of blood and dead people not so much gore.

So why is it so great? Well, compared to the previous seasons, this one has better graphics (obviously, it was made recently) AND the story is way way better than back when they were kids - the opening and ending songs are much better and in general, the fight scenes, the alchemy... okay. it's all better.

For those of you who haven't watched the previous seasons of FMA (Full Metal Alchemist), you don't have to worry, since all the references they make in FMA Brotherhood are all explained either before or after the statement or reference was made, secondly, a lot of people die - people you didn't want to as well as people you didn't expect (i will not be giving out names ~).

We have several new characters introduced (surprisingly, not too many to remember, but quite a few) and i'm telling you, the homunculus' just got creepier and far more disturbing than you'd have thought. Pride is a little kid - the major's kid. The major is of course wrath, lust is lust, though i have to admit she feels better finished? now. Then of course, greed died remember? And they found a replacement for Greed! Not nice... but whatever. Gluttony is still annoying, a bumbling idiot (he's nothing compared to Sloth though) and at one point, swallows Ed, Al and Envy. Envy is a tiny worm like thing by the way... he only had the appearance of a human because of the stone (la la la ~) and they get out through Ed's genius! Oh and Sloth's this huge man that hates working, but only does so because his 'father' says so.

Anyway, the anime will give you the feels because it got far more violent - they talk about the war, why people 'officially' hate Ed and Al, why Ed isn't growing and towards the end, Al sacrifices himself to save Ed who then gets back his arm and sacrifices his alchemy - the correct price to retrieve Al's body.

They finally get over their mom (i honestly don't like to think that, but they do), their dad finally meets his end - we have his background story too! (he's a really really REALLY old fart 0.0)

As for the homunculus, we find out that they were originally part of this being that existed in the space where God exists and where Al's body was left. The being thought that if he abandoned all of his 'sins' that he would be like God (wrong since he gets thrown into the abyss) and God wasn't too happy to hear that.

The end is clean, clear and crisp and i have to admit quite fitting. Though a Shonen, it doesn't hesitate to make the characters face things greater than the protagonists can probably face (yes yes, they always do that, but this one's a bit different - it also helps that its a war anime) and also gives the impression that it's okay to cry and ask for help - from wherever. While a lot of people may say that Ed and Al cry because they're still teenagers, i feel that they cry because they understand their emotions and want to be able to respect those they've lost and with that understanding do better to protect those they have (or maybe that's just my reading).

Also, the characters are paired of - no marriage to talk of thank god =.= (or kids)

So, if you do watch it/have watched it, tell me what you think!

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