
Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Review: Coppelion (manga/anime)

The way it starts off, makes it seem like an end of the world anime, but you can't really classify it there and it borders more on sci fi, but one does wonder if a reality similar to what was shown on Coppelion could be true for the rest of the world a few years down the line.

Coppelion has been set in a future where people were and are dependant on nuclear energy, but the story has been set in Japan, specifically Tokyo where the Daiba nuclear plant is present. However, in this show, the Daiba nuclear plant 'exploded' contaminating Tokyo and making it near uninhabitable as shown in the beginning of the manga and anime, where you see old buildings ready to fall apart, a terrible road a few poles around and so on.

In this future, 'dolls' called Coppelion have been created - they look like thinking breathing humans, however, the speciality of these dolls is that each of them have a superpower (varies for each) and they don't suffer from radio active poisoning. This is because each of them had this 'coded' into their DNA.

Disturbingly enough, the Coppelion weren't 'completed' or 'perfected.' in fact, the older Coppelion let out neutrons and can cause radio active poisoning amongst 'normal' people, but stranger than that is that at some point in their short lives, they fall into a deep sleep and die. The cause was never found out.

Amongst the Coppelion, there are different groups - initially the exploration group, then the clean up group and finally our lead protagonists the 'medical' group who are searching for survivors to bring them back to Tokyo.

Our protagonists suddenly find themselves fighting other Coppelion who 'defected' and after just barely getting away from them, find survivors and begin to unravel the mysteries behind the Daiba nuclear power plant as well as why they were created by humans.

This i would classify as a Shoujo manga with action and maybe a hint of romance, which makes it very different from the normal Shoujo mangas out there and also why i'm putting it up as a must read. The point of view that they show via nuclear tragedy is something that people should keep in mind, though take with a pinch of salt. But as a manga, well written and if you're watching the anime, well made, good songs, the action sequences have come to life! But, if you can get the Japanese dub with English sub, it would be better than the kind of out of place English dub.

Note that the manga and anime are on going. Currently, i found the complete chapter list on

Happy reading :)

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